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What problems should the old room pay attention to?

What problems should the old room pay attention to?

2021-10-26 15:03:50

Ceramic tile beauty seam let ceramic tile gap is no longer a black line, but ceramic tile and ceramic tile composition of a whole, look beautiful and generous, a bright eyes. Beauty seam not only brings people visual enjoyment, but also anti-black, anti-mildew and anti-dirt, which has many benefits. Many owners also gradually understand the benefits of beauty seam, before the new home decoration did not do beauty seam, after a few years, now want to do beauty seam, that is what to pay attention to?



Old house makes gaps caulking filler, the commonnest problem is aperture had used other to fill seam material (white cement or fill seam agent), perhaps aperture does not fill material but because use time is too long, dust, besmirch has filled ceramic tile aperture.If you want to change to tile grout, you need to clean up the previous seam filling material and dust stains, clean up the gap of ceramic tile, to do tile adhesive.

Old house to do the sealant fix super glue, need to do a very important check: check whether the tile loose.



If the ceramic tile has become loose, it is not suitable for sewing. The loosening of the ceramic tile will affect the adhesion of the sewing and lead to the shedding of the sewing. If the ceramic tile is loose, it is necessary to re-lay the ceramic tile and then sew it.

Whether it is a new house or an old house, as long as the construction conditions are appropriate, it can be done normally. Do not think that your house has lived for a few years, it is not suitable to do beauty sewing. Ceramic tile seam can add color to the old house.