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Why does sealant sag

Why does sealant sag

2021-12-08 14:26:33

As a result, the sealant is sunken in the ceramic tile and looks black.One case is that the construction of the seam is not done well, and the other case is the quality problem of the seam agent.As for, which kind of sealant dry fuller?This has a lot to do with the pressing tool. Here I will share my personal views and experience with you.

The sealant is sunken in the tile, looks dark?

After normal construction, the surface of the tile grout and the ceramic tile surface are flat, clean and tidy, very beautiful and good-looking.Then, why some sealant after construction, but sunken in the tile, look black, ugly, these problems are caused by the following two factors.



First, the sealant construction is not done well, resulting in the depression of the sealant in the ceramic tile

1. Don't jerry-built sealant, sealant is actually a very key step in the construction of sealant, some people in order to save sealant, in the construction of sealant, for fear of using a lot of sealant, glue only on the surface of the tile gap.When the pressure seam is pressed, the pressure seam tool is pressed, it is flat at that time, but slowly the sealant will sag, because the sealant is too little, as long as a thin layer, over a long time, the natural sag.



2. Play the seam an agent to forcibly even, in particular, some owners of construction joints in the beauty seam, not professional, glue strength uneven, lead to ceramic tile aperture, anywhere there are a lot of beautiful seam an agent into tuo, fewer places the seam an agent was also don't cover up ceramic tile aperture, serious uneven glue, which is one of the factors that make the seam an agent sag.


3. Play the seam an agent to full fill, especially the floor tile aperture, when construction of sealant, must be full fill the filling grout, do not see the floor tile aperture is wide and deep, afraid will waste a lot of beautiful seam an agent, lead to the seam an agent had struck the floor tile cracks inside, behind can make beauty into the ceramic tile seam an agent sag, make beautiful seam an agent than ceramic tile surface is much lower, affect beautiful.

Method to solve seam sealant sag;No matter how wide and deep the ceramic tile gap is, as long as it can be filled with seam agent, the surface of seam agent is smooth and smooth after the pressure joint, and there will be no depression phenomenon of seam agent.



Second. Quality problems of sealant?Poor quality sealant can cause the sealant to sag and look dark

1. Poor seam agent, raw materials jerry-built, resulting in thin seam material, not only glue on the wall will flow, and there will be collapse, like this seam agent no matter how to do, the seam agent will be sunken in the ceramic tile.Because the seam agent is too dilute, like water, encounter a little gap, will penetrate down, even if the glue when the ceramic tile gap full, until the pressure seam, seam agent will sag.



2.The inferior sealant, whether it is filled with glue, or not filled, the final result is the depression of the seam.Sometimes it is clear that the sealant is pressed flat, but after a period of time, the sealant is depressed again, and it is the same again and again.

3. There is another problem, that is, inferior sewing agent is easy to change color, the color of golden sewing will become black, the color of sewing will be dim, the color will fade after a short time, and the phenomenon of cracking and falling off.




Solution;Three no products do not buy, small workshops do not buy non-brand sealant, OEM sealant do not buy.It is recommended to choose big brand sealant manufacturers for guaranteed quality and service. Welcome to contact China epoxy gap filler manufacturer when you need to decorate your house.