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The seam was not finished the first time, can it be reworked

The seam was not finished the first time, can it be reworked

2022-02-22 17:24:32

It is very normal that the first time is not done well. It is not a professional worker who can make a good seam. But it does not matter.

One, in the process of the construction joints found the beauty of not doing seam, use clean sewing knife didn't do a good job in the beauty of the seam an agent to retain, back glue, pressed again seam, the seam an agent in the construction process has not yet been solidified, the seam an agent or a soft, use clean sewing knife beautiful seam an agent, and also easy, if such beautiful seam an agent to deducted, in the process of curing is more time consuming.

Two, if it is already cured seam agent, you need to use a heat gun and a shovel. Use the heat gun to blow the sealant that needs to be reworked. Hold the heat gun in one hand and blow the sealant soft. Hold the shovel knife in the other hand and follow the heat gun to push the sealant forward.



Three, remember to clean up the gap, especially the rework of the ceramic tile gap, to clean up, there can be no residue of sealant in the gap, including the edge of the ceramic tile gap, otherwise the particle will lead to the surface of the sealant is not smooth .Although the technical content of beauty sewing is not high, but it is a meticulous job to do beauty sewing. It needs enough patience and concentration to do beauty sewing well, and concentration is professional.

Four, clean up the seam an agent, must wait to blow the seam an agent soft scraper, don't use strong shovel, more don't blow the hot air gun at a place long ceramic tile aperture will become fragile because of heat gun baked for a long time, to use the shovel to clean up the seam an agent, the ceramic tile aperture easily collapsed, if is home to the customer rework, ruining the ceramic tile, not only not receive wages,Instead to compensate for the owner's loss, the novice is easy to make such a fatal mistake, so that the gain outweighs the loss.




Five, the strength to notice when the tile grout, even is the key to his grip on the glue guns, hit the seam an agent is glue gun hand strength wants even, with the dynamic pressure glue guns don't use all one's strength, uniform strength of the seam is uniform, and more to save materials, saw many beginners to play the seam an agent, more than a lot of, little place and not enough, such beautiful seam an agent is a waste of sealant.Although there is no technical content in making beautiful sewing, there are many skills. With the same price and the same material, professional masters can make money, while unprofessional ones will lose money. This is the difference.

Kelin epoxy gap filler manufacturer reminds the owner that if you need to do beauty seam, you still need to find a professional construction team, so as to save time, trouble and effort. Please feel free to contact Kelin two component adhesive supplier.