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The pressure sewing tips of tile grout construction worker

The pressure sewing tips of tile grout construction worker

2021-11-01 10:43:44

All the tile grout construction worker know that in order to do a good job, it is necessary to do many links in place, among which the pressure seam is a very key link, in addition to the pressure seam can make the beauty seam agent and ceramic tile gap bonding better. Still can let ceramic tile gap fill full through pressing seam, the beauty seam that presses additionally is level off even. But often the most critical link is the one that is most likely to go wrong.

So the pressure seam needs certain skills, so what are the skills of the pressure seam?

First wants moderate, is critical strength, pressure when the seam strength wants moderate, good let gap on either side of the inside and material separation can do better than expected cleanup, if th美纹纸e strength is too big, easy to cause black border tile, not only difficult to clean up and very ugly, if they do not only small for material separation is not good, also can cause the air bubbles.



Secondly, to maintain a smooth speed, the strength of the seam pressure process should also be uniform, otherwise it is not only difficult to clean up in the later stage, but also the whole seam will be very unnatural.

And pay attention to maintain a smooth and uniform speed, such a beautiful seam effect smoothness is higher, remember to one-time pressure seam, can not be repeated back and forth pressure.

Once again, it is necessary to clean the sewing tools in time, whether it is the scraper or the tungsten steel rod. If there is any sealant covered, it should be cleaned in time to avoid the dry sealant products sticking to the tungsten steel rod affecting the construction effect. Do not be lazy, to timely inspection, especially tungsten steel rod.

Finally, pay attention to the intersection and Angle of Yin and Yang. In order to avoid the pressure to take away the sealant at the cross, you can center the intersection and then press around.This pressure out of the effect will be more uniform, the effect of the cross will be more full, smooth transition natural.

Yin and Yang Angle is more difficult to construct, you can choose small specifications of pressure sewing tools, when necessary, you can paste the crepe grain paper in advance, so that it will not scratch the surface of ceramic tile.



Although gap filler ceramic is simple, but it is also a systematic "engineering", in which the pressure seam is a more important link, once it is not handled properly, there may be uneven, unnatural, black edge and other big problems that seriously affect the tile filler grout. Kelin sealant fix super glue supplier remind that this link must be careful, to do a good job.