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The construction steps of the joint and the problems to be paid attention to

The construction steps of the joint and the problems to be paid attention to

2021-07-17 14:26:30

Now to tile grout has been very popular, and some people will directly buy seaming products to their own construction , so if their own construction needs to pay attention to what aspects? What are the construction steps? The construction of the Kelin tile grout supplier, will use experience to tell you.

First, tile grout construction steps

1. Need to clean up the cracks of ceramic tiles, there are some dust inside, and even some cement should be removed, it is necessary to clean the dust inside with a vacuum cleaner, to ensure that the cracks between ceramic tiles are clean, without a little dust.



2. Prepare the sealant, need to glue, we need to squeeze the sealant into the glue gun, and specific glue must remember to force evenly, otherwise some places will be too crowded will be thicker, and the place will be less.

3. After squeezing, we need to press the seam, and try to pass it once, so that the tile grout is more beautiful. If it is not handled well, it is easy to appear some interfaces in the later stage, which will be very ugly.

4. After about a day, you can use a spatula to remove the excess sealant on the side of the tile, and the sealant for the tile is finished.



Two, tile seaming matters needing attention

1. Before making tile grout, first of all, the cracks in the ceramic tiles need to be cleaned.If the ceramic tile gap is relatively wet, do not be able to do directly, or coated with the epoxy gap filler after the joint agent has no effect, will change color after re-do.

2.When construction, we should pay attention to speed and strength. To fill the gap, we should have uniform speed and strength, otherwise there may be insufficient material and lead to the depth of the sealant into the gap, thus affecting the bonding force between the sealant and the ceramic tile.

3. If there is a problem of peeling after construction, it may be that the sealant is relatively dry when you are laying, and the powder state will appear, and the peeling and peeling will occur.



4. After the construction of beauty seam products, the site needs to be well protected and maintained for about 12 hours. No one can step on them or touch water in the middle. They need to be completely solidified, which will take about two days.