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Happy Teachers\' Day

Happy Teachers\' Day

2021-09-13 09:06:58

Today is September 10, an important holiday for the national teacher profession. Here, Kelin tile grout supplier wants to say to the teachers across the country: "Teachers, you have worked hard."



A good teacher has a great influence on a person's growth. Xi Jinping once said, "Teachers' feelings in class are the most touching and can even influence students' lives."

Young people are the future and hope of the motherland, and teachers are the beacon of national hope. Just as Xi Jinping said, "A person's life is lucky to have good teachers, a school is glorious to have good teachers, and a nation's unceasing emergence of a number of good teachers is the hope of the nation.

Education has always been our top priority, reading can change destiny, knowledge can create miracles, and teachers can help us to spread the word and solve puzzles, can imagine how important the teacher is. On this special day, Kelin epoxy gap fillers factory saluted to you, lovely teachers, happy Teachers' Day!