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How to tell whether the sewing agent master is professional?-A

How to tell whether the sewing agent master is professional?-A

2021-09-14 11:09:46

With the popularity of beauty sewing, many owners want to do beauty sewing, but they do not know how to judge whether the master of beauty sewing construction is professional. Because the construction of beautiful joints is not like buying fruit in the market, it can be identified at a glance. Home to do the ceramic tile sealant, the selection of the construction team also need a pair of piercing eyes. Today, China tile grout supplier teach you how to judge whether your home construction team is professional.

1. Overall image



To judge whether a sewing team is professional, the first thing is to see whether the overall image of the team is good. Whether the clothes of the seamer are clean and tidy, whether the capacity of room measurement, color selection, color matching and mapping reaches the standard when coming to the door. Is the construction equipment complete when doing the construction of beautiful joints, and so on? Just think, if a disheveled clothes, covered with dirt, tools placed in a mess of the American seaman, do the construction will be clean? So, image is important!

2. Construction process



For the construction of the tile adhesive, the construction process is extremely important, which is related to the effect of the filling grout. To judge whether a sewing team is professional depends on whether the team takes the initiative to share its construction process with the owner before signing the contract. Because the construction process is an important link to ensure the final quality of the beauty seam agent. From sewing cleaning, cleaning to the final cleaning of surplus materials, review, finishing and handing over, to see whether he is skilled in the operation, whether he takes every link seriously, to ensure the quality of beautiful sewing.

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