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How to remove dry sealant

How to remove dry sealant

2021-12-24 15:34:35

There are more matters to pay attention to during the construction of grout sealant, and the excess sealant should be patiently dealt with after the construction. So how to deal with the sealant? How to remove the dry sealant?



When doing sewing agent, there are two different sealant to choose from, one is oily sealant, the other is water-based sealant.When dealing with sealant, generally speaking, water-based is more convenient, because it can be washed with water directly before drying out, and oily is not.However, these two kinds of sealant in dry, processing methods are more troublesome.How to remove dry sealant is mainly divided into the following situations:

First, clean up the dry ceramic tile seam in the gap

The jointing agent in the gap has been dried and cured, it is very hard. If you want to clean it up, first use a hot air gun to blow the seam agent soft, and then use a seam knife or a hard box knife to scrape out the seam agent in the gap, and pay attention not to hurt the tile.



Two, clean up the sealant stuck on the ceramic tile

1. The gaps filler ceramic that drops on the ceramic tile accidentally during construction, or the sealant that does not clean up, can be cleaned up with the degumming agent. Spray the sealant over the cured sealant and it can then be lightly rubbed off.

2. A large amount of sealant remains on the ceramic tile. If it is a smooth surface, it can be removed directly with a plastic shovel.If the surface is rough, you can use a heat gun to blow the sealant soft, and then wipe it.



Three, clean up the sealant stuck on the hand

1. Soak your hands in water for half an hour, then gently clean with a brush or sandpaper and detergent.Processing is relatively slow, a long time can be completely cleaned up;

2. Dissolve the sealant with alcohol, and then wash it slowly with diluted white vinegar.

Pay attention to construction matters during construction and try to avoid the rework of sealant.You should also use tile grout carefully and wear old clothes and gloves to avoid getting it on your body.If the sealant needs to be cleaned, try to clean it in the first time, while the sealant is not dry, because the longer it takes, the more trouble it is to clean the sealant.