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Can sealant replace glass glue

Can sealant replace glass glue

2022-01-05 13:23:13

Ceramic tile beauty seam has become one of the necessary projects for decoration, there are many benefits, not black, not moldy, the most important is very beautiful. At the same time, it also has a certain toughness, which is a good material of hardness and softness. So many friends asked, the sink installation, and so many edges in the decoration, without glass glue, is it better to change to grout sealant?



The main components of glass glue are sodium silicate, acetic acid and silicone, and tile adhesive is composed of epoxy resin and curing agent.Glass glue has strong softness and cohesiveness after solidification, while sealant has certain hardness and flexibility after solidification, which is much weaker than glass glue.Different ingredients mean different effects.

Seam sealant is a polymer, artificially added different colors and formulas, the main role is beautiful role, there is a certain bond.And glass glue is not the same, glass glue is born to bond, take into account the role of beauty, so like bathroom cabinet, corner line, column basin, toilet, sink are the use of its strong adhesion, and moisture resistance and other properties.

Therefore, Kelin epoxy brick adhesive manufacturer suggests that you choose sealant and glass glue according to your own needs. In places where sealant can not be replaced, glass glue can be used to fill the gap, because the two component adhesive force of sealant is weaker than glass glue.